Monthly Archives: November 2012

Gothamist: Fail

Ugh. Have the hipsters playing at running a business at the Gothamist not heard? They want to be a substantial media company, but apparently haven’t considered that Step #1 of an honorable and successful business plan would be respecting and paying for the labor needed to make that happen:

2012 is almost over, and isn’t it about time you started thinking about Your Future? We’re looking for more enthusiastic interns to work out of our Brooklyn office through the winter and maybe even beyond. Responsibilities vary widely, hours are flexible, but we do want someone who can be available 2 days out of the week. Bloggers, journalism students, photographers, English majors, and anyone with a passion for NYC and the skills to write about it are encouraged to drop us a line.

No pay, but some perks and college credit available. For more details inquire within, and please email your resume, availability during the week and any other relevant information to, subject “internship.” (No attachments, please.) And if you have a link to any of your writing online, please share. (It’s okay if it’s “just a Tumblr.”)

They have been notified of their failure to do the honorable (and legally required) thing. Stay tuned to hear if they respond…